Hot for the Holidays – 3 Tips for Holiday Makeup in Cabo

Any trip to Cabo is a holiday in itself, but there’s no question that visiting during the winter holiday season adds an extra level of excitement and festive energy to the equation. Because winter isn’t cold in Cabo, it’s hot. Not only in terms of sunshine and sultry beachfront settings, but in spirited nightlife and vibrant one-of-a-kind fiestas. It’s a place people from around the world come to see and be seen. Meaning you’ll want to look your best at all times, whether at the beach, on a yacht, at the club, or on the terrace of a cliffside luxury villa as New Year’s Eve fireworks explode overhead.
With that last thought firmly in mind, here are 3 tips for holiday makeup in Cabo.
1) Set Your Glitter & Glam Game on Lock

Few countries love a fiesta more than México, and there is no other time of year when so many of them occur as during the winter holiday season. In fact, the period between Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe on December 12th and Día de los Reyes Magos on January 6th is so packed with parties that it’s colloquially known in México as the Guadalupe–Reyes Marathon. This is a party season that people actually train for, and it should also be noted that Cabo is the place where many of the world’s most famous people come to metaphorically “let their hair down.”
So you better pack your party clothes when you come to Cabo this time of year, because the fiestas follow one another in fast and furious fashion, and fashionable people will almost certainly be attending them.
Or just go shopping, because getting ready for parties is almost as fun as going to them! That’s certainly true when it comes to makeup in Cabo, since your look should reflect the exuberance and high spirits that accompany a vacation calendar chock full of fun-filled adventures and late night festivities. New Year’s Eve may be the only evening the Champagne bottles are actually popped, but that bubbly effervescence perfectly captures the spirit of the entire season.
It’s the perfect time, in other words, to glam it up with glitter!
Glitter is an expression of pure joy, and no one can remain indifferent to its charms. Not only does it make you feel happy, it makes others happy and predisposes them to seek out your company.
Glitter is the perfect expression of the seasonal zeitgeist, which seems to call for bold choices and bold colors.

Best of all, there are no “must do” techniques or “must use” products. It’s up to you, based on your own personality and sensibilities, to decide just how exotic or outré you want to be with your glitter choices. Feel like applying glittery ruby red lipstick or a cocoa “cat-eye” eyeliner or smoky gold eyeshadow highlights? There are many more options to consider, of course, particularly when you factor fashion and accessories into the equation.
Some prefer the “go big or go home philosophy.” We tend to think a little moderation is called for…even in Cabo!
2) Never Forget Where You Are

It’s virtually impossible when gazing out at Land’s End and Lover’s Beach to imagine you are anywhere in the world except Cabo, because breathtaking scenes like this exist nowhere else.
But that’s not exactly what we mean by the admonition “never forget where you are.” Because in addition to its stunning coastal vistas, the Capes Region also home to unique lighting conditions that make hair and makeup in Cabo a little more complicated than might seem at first blush.
It’s not necessarily a big deal if you’re spending the afternoon by the pool, or at the beach. But there are definitely a few things to keep in mind when putting on your Cabo makeup for more glamorous or high-profile occasions.
For starters, Los Cabos is located below the Tropic of Cancer. So even though you may not associate the region–noted for its unique mix of desert, beach and ocean–with tropical conditions, the sun is quite bright and intense even during the “cooler” winter months.
Given the local conditions, most brides coming to Cabo for destination weddings wisely choose to get some local help from experienced hair and makeup stylists. The approach to freshening your “makeup in Cabo”–from foundation and eye shadow to lipstick and the like–varies according to where you are and what time of day it is, and requires extra attention when transitioning from indoor to outdoor locales, or vice versa. And of course this is a region famed for “open” architecture that segues seamlessly between the two.
You need to know what works best for your skin tone and complexion in every social situation or setting
In the case of weddings, many of the makeup touchups are done specifically with photography and videography in mind. Because not only do we all want to look great in the moment, but also for posterity.

That may not seem to be as pressing an issue on the dance floor at a nightclub or New Year’s Eve gala, until you consider things like selfies and social media. Because just about everything now is also for posterity. Moments exist to be lived and captured on our devices.
Which is why, by the way, one of your first orders of business upon arrival in Cabo should be a call to Suzanne Morel Face & Body Care.
3) Make Suzanne Morel Face & Body Care Your Personal Cabo Stylist

Suzanne Morel Face & Body Care is home to the finest collection of stylists in Los Cabos, from Suzanne Morel herself–raised in a family of beauty salon owners, and founder of her own cosmetics line–to her talented and personally trained staff of beauty artists.
At SMFBC, we’ll help you discover the best version of yourself, whether it’s in our studio or in your resort or rental villa. Call us today at (619) 819-9180 (in the U.S. or Canada) or (624) 105-1670 (in México) to make an appointment or schedule an initial consultation.
Try our holiday makeup in Cabo makeover and start the new year with a brand new look. You’ll not only look sensational, but photograph that way and feel that way as well.